Things you should Know about Dog Parvovirus

Dogs are the most commonly domesticated pets across the world for their close association with humans since the very beginning of human civilization. It is the sole duty of the dog owner to keep an eye on their dog’s evolution from the time of birth till death. That’s why whenever something abnormal starts appearing in…

How to Choose the Correct Dog Leash?

If you have decided to purchase a leash, you need to keep two things into consideration and they are –your dog’s size and the people handling them. While working with dogs for past few years, I have noticed that a lot of dog parents choose the wrong kind of leash when walking their dogs. If…

Which Dog kennels are the Best?

A lot of dogs spend their valuable time outside the human habitat and to support them to stay under a safe shelter, what you need is a suitable kennel. Choosing dog kennels for dog owners who love to always be prepared, can be made much easier when they plan their purchase in advance. Since there…

How to Love Your Dog while Keeping them Safe

Often while loving our pets some of us get so lost in their love that we don’t realize that they are not human beings and hence they are well acquainted with the dos and don’ts of humans. I have seen people who love to let their pooch walk freely and poop wherever they want. They…

What You Can Pick for Your Dog’s Gift Basket

Picking out items for your dog’s gift baskets can be a very fun activity and a very easy way to make you feel that your dog is a member of your family. Not just this, it’s a great way to let your kids involve and make them understand the significance of your dog in your…

How to Get Rid of Dog Fleas?

How irritating dog fleas can be, only a dog owner who has battled them can tell it better. They irritate the dogs to the core and make their living very difficult. It is seen that larger dogs have comparatively more chances of getting infested with fleas than the smaller ones. The reason is quite obvious…

Why Exercise is So Important for Your Dog?

Many dog parents don’t understand the significance of exercises for their dog. But, one should keep it in mind that exercise is as important for a dog as it is for a human being. In the wilderness, dogs don’t have to put extra efforts for exercise, but when you tame them and let them stay…

Tips to Choose the Best Dog Training Collar

Choosing the best dog training collar seems to be a challenging task, especially given the variety of brands claiming their product to be the best. Here, we must keep it in mind that different dog collars are used for different reasons. One of the most common problems faced by dog owners is the fact that…

Things You Should Take Care if You are Giving Bones to Your Dog

Whether one should be careful while giving chewing bones to their dog has been a debatable matter since time immemorial. Well, we all will agree with the fact that dogs relish the taste of a chewing bone, anyone who has taken their dog for intestinal blockage can explain the pain better. There are risks involved…

Always Choose the Best Dog Arthritis Medicine

Just like the arthritis in human beings, canine arthritis is also an extremely painful health condition that can make a dog’s life hell. In medical terminology, it is referred to as the degenerative joint disease or DJD and is widespread among middle-aged to old pets. So they need to take dog arthritis medicine. The maximum…

Does a Cat Need a Collar?

It seems when people have a dog, they are very certain about getting a collar for their pet, but if the same person has a cat, they would think multiple times before getting a collar for their cat. There are strong reasons for your cat to wear a collar. Cat collars are actually quite delicate…